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About Us


About us 

The website and sub sites of LIFX-USA is the circle which is collecting

each other.and all the updates are related to trading fields.

This design of sites is like a chain work.

Which is connected to each other.

Now we discuss the website (LIFX-USA-TEST) is made for

the members either they are buyers or sellers.from

which the members called students are performing

their best to make them self a good traders in her trading journey

this is the model on which any member can come to part

of our team by different ways. 


The design of the website is simple and easy.

The files formats included in pages & posts of

the website are in PDF , sheets , form . img , video content format etc.

when any topic or chapter is finished

we make a test or assignment of it

which helps students to understand every single concept properly.  

(Sub details in model section)

Conclusion or Summary

This Website ( LIFX-USA-TEST ) is made for students and

beginners in the field of trading for test & assignment purpose 🎓👨‍💻👩🏼‍💼


All the content either in post or pages is in text format

and also has video content which helps to understand

everything properly and easily.

For complete guideline 

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